Sphere App is Redefining Coaching and Mentorship
In this podcast episode, Devon Brooks shares why she started Sphere and how she is redefining the coaching and mentorship space.

Devon Brooks, talks with Savannah Locke, host of the Well, Now What podcast about what is coaching. Why there is a lack of accessibility and knowledge on coaching in popular vernacular? What does having mentors in all facets of life mean? And how to find a coach that's great for you?
Here are a few excerpts from this conversation. For full episode, tune in via Spotify or Apple Podcasts:
What is coaching?
Coaching is this little secret that you usually only find out when you at some point end up working at a corporation. When you find yourself reporting to a manager or a leader that gets all these unique resources you don't get. And that's when you find out what a coach is.
Working with a coach is about helping you take action. It's about creating tangible steps and actions for you, in a moment, in a day, in your life. To take steps towards the person you believe, you are capable of being.
When did you start getting coaching?
I started getting coaching when I was 21. So it's been my entire career that I've had coaching. And I will work with one till I die. Because you are never done, working on yourself. You never have all the answers. You're never complete in orienting back towards your purpose. You're never done having challenging conversations. It is an inherent part of life. Coaching helps you meet those challenges with utmost integrity.
Why is it so hard to find a great coach?
It's actually really hard to find a great coach. And to find a great coach for you. The coaching business started about 40-50 years ago in the executive leadership space, in corporations, and it largely stayed there. And that's why it has been very inaccessible, exclusive and expensive. And not really a part of popular vernacular.
How is Sphere making coaching accessible?
At Sphere, our goal is to make coaching totally accessible. To demystify and to democratize coaching. Because coaching is a growth tool, that we believe, everyone should have access to.
Our goal was to mitigate all the challenges that make coaching inaccessible. We've created affordable and transparent pricing where, from the get go, you know how much working with a coach will cost you. We've also built an assessment, where you jump into Sphere, and share where you're at, where you're going, and what's important to you next. We use that information to make suggestions, based on the ecosystem of over 400 Guides around the world. We start with ten best-fit Guides. Then, you get to meet with those Guides for 15-minute sessions to really get a feel of which Guide you vibe with and you want to create a growth path for you.
If you're still not sure which Guide is best for you, Sphere offers 1-to-1 support throughout your journey in the form of a support call, and in-app chat with the Sphere Experience Crew.
But don't just rely on us talking about ourselves. Give coaching a go, and try coaching for free. Our promise? We've got the Guide for you.
For full episode, tune in via Spotify or Apple Podcasts: